Thursday, December 11, 2008

Parallel Program Execution using Windows Batch File

The requirement is to initiate 4 program executions parallely. The main calling program should not exit until all 4 executions are complete. This is how I did my POC:

a.bat : (Main Calling Script)

start cmd /T:A0 /k "call D:\scratch\sanbox\a1.bat"
start cmd /T:B0 /k "call D:\scratch\sanbox\a2.bat"
start cmd /T:C0 /k "call D:\scratch\sanbox\a3.bat"
start cmd /T:D0 /k "call D:\scratch\sanbox\a4.bat"


ping -n 3 -w 120000
echo Checking if everything is done
findstr /N ^$ a.out | findstr 4

if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto TimePlease

The 4 programs that were to be executed parallely:

a1.bat :

@echo "In A1 Execution"
ping -n 10 -w 7000
@echo "A Done" >> a.out

a2.bat :

@echo "In A2 Execution"
ping -n 30 -w 1000
@echo "AA Done" >> a.out

a3.bat :

@echo "In A3 Execution"
ping -n 70 -w 3000
@echo "AAA Done" >> a.out

a4.bat :

@echo "In A4 Execution"
ping -n 50 -w 5000
@echo "AAAA Done" >> a.out

The way it works is, when I invoke master script a.bat, it invokes 4 programs, named a1,a2,a3,a4. All these programs at the end of their execution, create an entry into common file a.out. Master script keeps polling a.out until it finds 4 lines in it.